Intercultural Communication Webinar

EUGLOH | Intercultural Communication: UNESCO and Sustainable Development Goals: Sri Chinmoy – A Life Dedicated to Global Peace

Dear Students,

We would like to disseminate a webinar organised in the framework of the EUGLOH Alliance* ( and hosted by the University of Porto:

Activity: Intercultural Communication: UNESCO and Sustainable Development Goals: Sri Chinmoy – A Life Dedicated to Global Peace

When: 16th of September 2022, 9h-11h00 (Portuguese time)

How: Totally online, free and in English

Who can attend:  Students of the Alliance (from all levels and fields)

Vacancies: Approximately 10 vacancies for U.Porto

Selection of participants: Participants will be selected and ranked according to the order of registration

Recognition: Certificate of Participation (with possibility of inclusion in the Diploma Supplement or Academic Passport)

More info and application:

Application deadline:  12th of September at 12:59 (Portuguese time)


This interactive Webinar aims to help students of all levels and fields to experience new cultures and communicate with people of diverse cultural backgrounds. It will, in addition, encourage participants to critically reflect about Self-Transcendence, Global Peace and how citizens can contribute to a better world by accepting cultural differences.


Main topics covered:

  • Definition(s) of Culture;
  • Edward T. Hall and the Cultural Iceberg Theory;
  • Culture, communication and cross-cultural misunderstanding;
  • Tolerance, respect and cultural sensitivity;
  • UN and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
  • Self-awareness and self-transcendence towards Global Peace;
  • The contribution of Sri Chinmoy to the UN and towards Global Peace.


There will be a small assessment quiz at the end.

If you have any questions, you may send an email to


* The EUGLOH Alliance – European University for Global Health is a pilot initiative funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme. It is composed by 5 European Universities: University of Porto, Lund University (Sweden), Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität München (Germany), University of Szeged (Hungary) and Université Paris-Saclay (France). To find more EUGLOH opportunities please go to:


Global Healers: Arts and Humanities

Free elective online course for all majors available in Neptun! For details download the PDF document.
Here is the list of lectures with their respective dates:
  • 10-FEB Holly Case, Brown University: “Robot Revolutions: Why Do Robots Always Rise Up?”
  • 17-FEB Anna Kérchy, University of Szeged: “The cultural history of freak shows: navigating between mythical, biomedical, and social constructionist understandings of disability — towards a healthier society”
  • 24-FEB Kent Cartwright, University of Maryland, College Park:  “Laughter, Surprise, and Wonder:  The Healthfulness of Shakespearean Comedy.”
  • 3- MAR Fatima Vieira, University of Porto: “Alimentopia: Utopian Foodways”
  • 10-MAR, Lilla Farmasi, University of Szeged: “Cognitive science and literature: Literary representations of the subjective experience of being ill”
  • 17- MAR Paola Spinozzi, University of Ferrara: “The Ecological Humanities and Ecocriticism for Sustainable Wellbeing”
  • 24-MAR Beata Glinka, University of Warsaw:” Organisations in a social context: how volunteering influences employees”
  • 31-MAR Shaul Bassi, University of Venice: “The Medusa and the Mermaid: Thinking and Feeling with the Environmental Humanities”
  • 7-APR Andrea Némedi, software development manager, coach, soft skill trainer: “The Artistic and Literary Language of Albert-Laszlo Barabasi’s Network Science”
  • 21-APR Helena Sandberg, Lund University: “Media and health – a happy marriage?”
  • 28-APR István Szendi, University of Szeged: “The Narrative Facilitation of Recovery”
  • 5-MAY Patrick Gray, University of Durham: “Dramatic Representations of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Sophocles, Seneca, Shakespeare, and the Question of Anachronism”
  • 12-MAY Dávid Marno, University of California, Berkeley: TB

Information for Students on the form of education for the Fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year

In view of the epidemiological regulations in force, students in all majors, training level and work schedule studying at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Szeged, need to observe the following rules in the first semester of the 2020-2021 academic year.

Primary rules

Anyone with any symptom of COVID-19 should not enter BTK buildings.

Ensuring a safe environment

  • It is mandatory to keep a distance of 1.5 m and wear a mask in corridors, public spaces, restrooms.
  • Hand disinfection before class is mandatory.


  • The form of education (physical presence or online) depends on the number of students enrolled in a given course, so
  • Detailed information on the precise form of a given course will be made available on CooSpace by the start of the first week by each course instructor (please follow your course scenes on CooSpace!).
  • Keeping a safe distance and wearing a mask during classes is mandatory.


  • Masks should be worn in the institute/department administration offices and there can be a maximum of two students in the office during administration.

Out-of-class contact with instructors

  • Online contact is recommended.


Shakespeare-médiumok: könyv, színpad, film

Az SZTE Angol Tanszék szervezte általánosan művelő kurzus célja, hogy segítsen bepillantást nyerni a mai Shakespeare-kutatás alapvető kérdéseibe. A szonettek és a  drámák tárgyalásával,  a színdarabok színpadi és filmes megvalósításainak példáin keresztül bemutatjuk a Shakespeare-rel kapcsolatos legfontosabb színháztörténeti, recepciótörténeti és adaptációs kérdéseket. Shakespeare műveinek és a szerző kultúrtörténeti szerepének mai relevanciáját tág kontextusban tervezzük vizsgálni: szóba kerül majd a történelmi perspektíva haszna, a (drámai) fikció közösségformáló szerepe, az irodalom és a dráma szerepe a társadalmi értékek megőrzésében és megkérdőjelezésében, Shakespeare és kortársainak viszonya az irodalom- és kritikatörténetben.

Helyszín: BTK, Kristó Gyula terem (Ady épület, III. em.). Időpont: csütörtök 12:00.


  1. A kurzus ismertetése, orientáció (Matuska, Kiss, Zámbóné, Szőnyi, etc.) FEB-06
  2. Shakespeare a középkori és a klasszikus színházi hagyományok eredőjében (Szőnyi György Endre) FEB-13
  3. Az angol reneszánsz kánon átalakulásai, Shakespeare és a kortársak viszonya a kritikatörténetben (Kiss Attila) FEB-20
  4. A színház-metafora alakváltozatai (Matuska Ágnes) FEB-27
  5. Szerelmes Shakespeare (Hódosy Annamária) MÁR-05
  6. Színházellenesség és Shakespeare Othellója (Zámbóné Kocic Larisa) MÁR-12
  7. Gonoszok és mókamesterek: Falstaff, III Richárd, Lear király bolondja (Matuska Ágnes) MÁR-19
  8. A nők nevelése és regulája: a Makrancos hölgy (Zámbóné Kocic Larisa) MÁR-26
  9. Kortársaink-e a románcok? (Szőnyi György Endre) ÁPR-2
  10. Shakespeare Szonettjeinek új fordítása (Fazekas Sándor) ÁPR-09
  11. Kortárs színházi adaptációk 1: Hamlet (Jászay Tamás) ÁPR-23
  12. Kortárs színházi adaptációk 2: Szentivánéji álom (Jászay Tamás) ÁPR-30
  13. Shrek-speare: Shakespeare és a kortárs magyar szonett (Fogarasi György) MÁJ-07
  14. Összefoglaló MÁJ-14

Spring Semester Dates 2020

The dates of Spring Semester 2020:

Study Period: February 3 – May 16, 2020
Spring Break: April 10-17, 2020
Exam Period: May 18 – June 27, 2020
Re-exam Period: June 29 – July 4, 2020

LDE (levelezős) contact dates:

February 14-15 and 28-29, 2020
March 20-21, 2020
April 2-3, 2020
May 8-9, 2020

LDE Syllabus TBA.

Giving Meaning to Madness

The Department of English Studies will host a public lecture by Holly Case, Associate Professor of History at Brown University (USA) entitled “Giving Meaning to Madness: Hermeneutic Experiments during the Second World War.” 4 pm, Thursday, December 5th, in the Faculty Conference Room (Kari Konferenciaterem). Click on the image for details.

Jágónak VII

Tomorrow starts our biennial Shakespeare conference. This year’s conference title is Shakespeare Tenses: Present. Perfect. Continuous (Jágónak VII). For details see the conference website.

A note to our returning participants: the first day of the conference is at the magnificent Art Nouveau building, Reök Palace at Magyar Ede tér.

Porto Intensive Programme 17-29/06/2019

The New Faces consortium* is pleased to announce that its third intensive programme, held under the project’s general title “Facing Europe in Crisis: Shakespeare’s World and Present Challenges”, will be hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Universidade do Porto (Portugal), from the 17th to the 29th June 2019. The intensive programme will count on the presence of 60 students and 20 teaching staff from the consortium’s universities. It will consist of a series of academic seminars, combined with round-table discussions and a range of extension activities organised in collaboration with some of the New Faces associate partners. A full detailed schedule will be available soon at .

New Faces is a European Strategic Partnership that aims to promote historical and literary understanding of the complexities of crises (cultural, linguistic, political, social, religious, and economic), to help face a complex contemporary European context.

* the New Faces consortium:
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 – IRCL – CNRS
Charles University in Prague
Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Jagiellonian University)
Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto
University of Szeged, Department of English
Freie Universität Berlin
Universidad de Murcia
Utrecht University
Università degli Studi di Ferrara